Monday, June 6, 2011

Latest comments on the tube.

Christine Chubbuck.
they don't have the real footage on toxic junction? Im just curious. I mean I read the wiki and all but I just want to see it...

3 guys 1 hammer reaction.
You are sick. This video is awful and terribly sad. What the hell is wrong with you
The same person left this comment on my channel. 
Get some psychotherapy.
(my reply) No point, i was interviewed by a 'shrink' in 2000 and was deemed "No danger to the public" his words.

Man with shovel in head.
enserio maricon no tienes vida
(I translated it and replyed) LOL!!!! i have no life aye, whatever fella.

Comment on channel.
one doesn't go to therapy for being a "danger to the public," one goes to prison. even the most emotionally balanced person in the world could still probably benefit from some therapy. as a mental health professional, i wouldn't say you suffer from any sort of sadistic personality disorder, i'd just say you were an extreme narcissist. i've read/seen a lot of you work, and you just seem infatuated with your artwork and the philosophy behind it.

(Whoa, hahaha...a mental health professional, finally!! lol)
Thanks for your interest.
"infatuated with your artwork and the philosophy behind it."
That sounds like a comment that could be stuck on any artist. Interesting assessment.

The first 3 guys 1 hammer video has had two more comments. They are nothing really more than just abuse.
I won't be posting anymore of those particular comments as i really can't see the point. I will let it be known that they are there and anyone is free to read them.

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